Theory of Knowledge



(see binder for most material & Links menu in upper right corner of this page)

Ways of Knowing


Natural Science

Social Science



Essays, Presentations, Assessments

Theory of Knowledge Links:


IBO Website

TOK Resources (Updated for all areas of TOK)

Philosophy Puzzles (U. of R)

Taking Science on Faith

Theory of Knowledge Students Win Contest

Video Contest
[scroll to bottom under "Video Contest"]


See Psychology Links for Perception & Memory

Perception - read this sentence

Pentagon & Potential Propaganda

Subliminal Perception

Dans Le Noir -"In the Dark" Eating

Am I in the Matrix?


"The Chaos" of the English language

The Interpreter's Friend

What to call the USA? [Word]

Words Don’t Mean What They Mean

The Big One:  The F-Word

Origin of OK

Political Buzzwords

Excised by the Language Police

Thin Gruel: Language Police Drain Life & Content

Banned Words, Images & Topics

"Private" or "Personal" Social Security Accounts?

Oleanna Review

Harold Pinter production of Oleanna

Oleanna reviews at Rotten Tomatoes

The Oleanna site to visit (if visiting just one)

The Art or Science of BS

Good Gossip?

The Language of "War on Terror"


Emotion - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Intimate Machine -Manufacturing Emotions

Saving our National Treasures - Where Emotion, History & Science meet (NOVA)

Critique of Emotional Reason (Thagard)

"Why Wasn't O.J. Convicted? - Emotional Coherence in Legal Inference (Thagard)

Emotion & Self-Deception: Scarlet Letter Model

The Passionate Scientist:  Emotion & Scientific Cognition

Stanford Prison Experiment (Zimbardo)

Ethics & Emotions

Motivation & Emotion (G. Katz lecture notes)

Prisoner's Dilemma Interactive Exercise

BLINK - Rapid Cognition vs. Intuition (Gladwell)


Logic Tutorial


Fibonacci 1

Fibonacci 2

Fibonacci 3

"Net Win Shares Value" (ballplayer's value)

Origami Mathematics

Natural Science

Blending Science & Religion

God & Science

Evolution & Kansas

Beer study by Guinness

Scientist Admits Faking Data

Science Students Win $100,000 Prize-NPR

Gender Gap in Math & Science

Gender & the Sciences

Tut, Tut. No Head Wound for Pharoah?

Nature Deficit Disorder

Fruit Flies & Sexual Orientation

Social Science

People Like Us

Taking on Skin color:  Art & Politics in White

Grow Up Too Fast?:  The Twixters

Re-examing Broken Windows Theory (NPR)

Perceptions of Social Disorder in Neighborhoods

Exploding the Self-Esteem Myth

Sports Done Right

Students for Academic Freedom

Class Matters:  An Exploration of Social Class

Popcorn Report - 2004

Popcorn Report - 2005


Final Struggle Over Pearl Harbor Attacks

License Plate Mottos - OH vs. NC (look 'em up)

StoryCorps:  Oral History Celebrating Ourselves

StoryCorps on NPR

Camera Captures History?


Peter Singer

Terri Schiavo Case

The Ethicist - NPR

Children as Pesticides Research Subjects

Teach for America

Scientists Draft Ethics Rules on Stem Cell Research

Wreck of the William Brown

Art & Aesthetics

Sinfonia Controversy in NY - NPR


The Turner Prize

1BreathTime - Take breath, make art!

Christo's "Gates"


Jackson Pollack

Street Art by Kurt Wenner

Commerce or Art?

Beastie Boys Sampling Case

Who's an Artist?

Seeing Shouldn’t Always Be Believing

How Art Got Its Start