Senior English


Introductory Letter [Word]
Day 1 [PowerPoint]
Daily Lesson Plans [Word]
Daily Plans CALENDAR Apr-Jun 07 [Word]
Lit elements [PowerPoint]
Syllabus [Word]
West Wing Two Cathedrals Relevant Characters [Word]
Use of Force [Word]
Electronic GradeTracker for Student to copy from [Excel]
Paper GradeTracker for Student to print [Excel]
West Wing Latin
What’s Theme Mean?
Final Essay


For all major text discussions, come prepared with your notes, journal entries, loud lines w/ deep dive.

Getting Our Bearings & The Deep Dive

Writing & The Grammar Grind
(see links page, too)


Senior English Links:

NPR 100 Best Fictional Characters since 1900

Literary Theory Links

Modern Literary Theory

TCG's Literary Criticism & Critical Theory Page

Introductory Guide to Critical Theory

Jung's Archetypes

How to Do Deconstructionism

Warnings About Theory/Critical Essays (scroll for links)

The Hero's journey graphic

Virtual Lit

Freud's Id, Ego, Superego

Id, Ego, Superego 1
Id, Ego, Superego 2

College Application Essays

Richard Van Ornum

Essays Go Onstage

Can Parents Help?

Lessons from College Essays

Pricey Counselors

The Art of the Essay


King James Bible On-Line


MythWeb - Greek Mythology

Bulfinch's Mythology

Encyclopedia Mythica

Perseus Digital Library

Greek Mythology - Iliad to Last Tyrant

Streetcar Named Desire

Tennessee Williams Bio



Mr. William Shakespeare on the Internet

The Shakespeare Mystery

Shakespeare On-Line

The Globe Theater 

Hamlet on Trial

Go to Education section for Student Resources & a great PDF file

Take a Virtual Tour of the Globe Theater

A less virtual Tour of the Globe 

Short Course on Hamlet

A Hamlet Home Page

Welcome to Shakespeare High

Talking to William Shakespeare

Hamlet Online (note Humor- Green Eggs, etc.)

Shakespeare's Hamlet (some notes)

Dissecting the Poetry-Prose in Detail

Intro to Drama

Absolute Shakespeare

Ye Olde Official Shakespearean Insult Kit

MacHomer (Shakespeare meets the Simpsons)

More MacHomer (NPR)


August Wilson at Dartmouth (w/bio)

James Earl Jones Profile

American Shakespeare


Favorite Poems Project

Whitman's "Song of Myself" - text

Whitman's "Song of Myself" - Web Study


Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy

Oedipal Complex

Ethan Frome

You’re Beautiful Lyrics

Male Gaze 1

Male Gaze 2

Frome Marriage Counseling? [Word]

Women Living without a Spouse [Word]

Where the Heart Is

World of Poetry


A Room of One's Own - V. Woolf (Gutenberg e-text)

A&P Made for TV Movie